Head of IT & former Projects Director deleted files from server


Former head of projects Fazal Wahab has reportedly been in and out of the building long after he tendered his resignation and left the job. I have seen him in and out a few times while headed in for meetings.

Continuing a fine trend of slackness, the HR Director has processed a resignation of someone who did not do a proper hand over. This matter came up before with Wahab when he went on leave and Omar Narine took over. Narine could not answer questions because he had no idea what Wahab was working on and no handover was done. This is a common feature, persons have secrets to protect so they go off on leave with keys and documents and still get paid. Continue reading “Head of IT & former Projects Director deleted files from server”

Still waiting on details on $25 million pipe “theft” story

10 July, 2016

Head of Projects Fazal Wahab claimed 25 million in pipes were stolen from Farm I think.

This was an oral report to the Board. This is fucking theatre of the absurd type shit. A head of department mentioning a 25 million theft with no details. Like all these “thefts” no report was made to the Police.

This is how state assets are handled and mis handled.

Until I see details, I remain convinced Wahab and his cohorts stole those pipes or diverted those funds to their own purposes.

The legal officer, CEO and other seniors from management as per normal sat in silence saying nothing.

An audit of all projects done in these housing schemes will reveal lots of “missing” equipment and works.

At numerous discussions we’ve had I’ve mentioned firing Wahab. His engineering output is subpar. All projects they start have serious defects and issues. ALL.

Charles Ceres did an in depth look just at Wahab, Omar Narine and the rest paper work on about 150 odd projects.

Just based on their paperwork, he recommended surcharging and firing the entire project dept engineer crew and hire four new graduates from UG.

He is an engineer, who am I to contradict his professional analysis? 

And we’re talking from engineering stand point only. Crimes and illegal acts are another matter.

$25 million theft of pipes from CH&PA site


To: Fazal Wahab, Director of Project, CH&PA

Via: Deborah Edwards, Secretary, CH&PA Board

From: Mark Jacobs, Chair Land Allocation Committee

Date: 4th July, 2016.

Subject : $25 million theft of pipes


Dear Mr. Wahab:

At our 30th June, 2016 Statutory meeting you mentioned that $25 million in pipes were stolen.

Was this reported to the police? Do we have an internal report on this incident?

Please provide details on this and the exact location, itemising all items stolen and cost.

Thanks in advance for your anticipated co-operation.


Humble regards,

Mark Jacobs

Chair, Land Allocation Committee


Board Members